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Update №18 [Interlude x1 & Interlude x30]


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🌟 Updates on Interlude x1 and Interlude x30 Servers!

Dear players, we are excited to announce new changes on our servers! ✨

1️⃣ Skill enchantment chance after level 78, from +10:
The skill enchantment chance has been increased and is now more balanced on both x1 and x30 servers! 💪

2️⃣ Dressing room is now working!
You can now try on costumes on both x1 and x30 servers!
Choose the style that suits you best! 😎

3️⃣ Adjustment of the global teleport to Zaken (x1):
The global teleport to Zaken has been adjusted to work in 2 locations.

4️⃣ Added symbols for nickname changes:
You can now use the following symbols in your nicknames on x1 and x30 servers: * " % @ # $ ^ \ | / ( ) ~.

🌟 Don’t miss out on important events and make sure your client is updated! Use our updater for quick downloads: Download Updater.

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